Arabic Gum - Drink the magic cleanse

Do I have a story behind this? Boy, do I. I am closer to 40 and have decided (advised quite vehemently I might add) that I need to do a full body medical check up every year. So closer to September, I reluctantly make that slightly worrying trip to see my GP to do my checks. So far, I have come through with flying colors but I hate that feeling, that wait till I know what the results are. 

Last year, however, I found that most of my friends had one particularly high count

 and these were all the most unlikeliest of individuals to have any sort of issues. Alas, they did. These are not pressing or worrying but definitely disappointing. Again one sunny day, as I was talking to Mariam I mentioned this common feature among some of my friends. She, in her casual way, suggested a natural resin called the Arabic Glue. Not to be confused with Arabic Gum. Although it looks very similar they are used for two completely different uses. Arabic Glue is used to cleanse the toxins out of your kidneys and also used to cleanse your colon. Instead of resorting to laxatives that can block or clog your colon, you dissolve a tiny bit in water, keep it overnight and then drink that water in the morning. I noticed if I took a bit more, then it cleansed my colon.

This in turn helped my skin, my immunity, my aches and pains. 

Arabic Glue, however, is used to strengthen your respiratory system and rid it of all the phlegm.

I haven't had to use it yet, but I promise to post about it once I have tried it.

Anyway, to come to the end of the tale of the Renal Rescue. My friends having tried the Arabic glue for 3 weeks ( maximum recommended time to take it continuously) decided to test again only to find that their counts were once again back to normal and now free of that nagging thought in the back of their heads.

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